Goudies Funeral Directors Ltd

Owned by: Goudies Funeral Directors Ltd

Old Gilbert Bain, Scalloway Road, Lerwick, SHETLAND, ABERDEENSHIRE, ZE10LD

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Anne Goudie manages the most northerly outpost of Funeral Directors on the British Isles; Goudies in Shetland. Covering the whole of mainland Shetland and surrounding 15 inhabited islands, some which are more accessible than others, Goudies cope with logistic and weather related challenges regularly.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I arrange a funeral?

  • Most aspects of the funeral can be tailored.
  • You don't have to have a minister present.
  • There are some legal and administrative tasks.

How do I find the right funeral director?

  • Do some initial research.
  • Think about the sort of funeral you are looking for.
  • Choose a NAFD member for a high quality service.
  • Speak to a few funeral directors, either on the phone or face to face.
  • Choose the ones you feel comfortable with.
  • Ask them to explain their services and give you a breakdown of costs.

Compassionate Funeral Planning Tailored for You

Our attended funeral service is available from:


Please speak to us to find out more about our services and pricing. We're always here for you.

Arrange An Appointment