Heart of England Co-op Funerals Inc. Gillivers Funeral Services

Owned by: Heart of England Co-op Funerals

2c Church Road, Barlestone, NUNEATON, WARWICKSHIRE, CV13-0EE

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We are proud of our history dating back to 1832, as a small independent regional co-operative our main aim has always been around helping people, nowhere is that more apparent than in our funeral locations.

Latest Reviews


Su North-Bond

5 years ago

Sadly my father passed on the 3/12/18 and Gillivers Funeral Directors were recommended to me. They were so respectful and kind throughout and my Fathers funeral was perfect.During tragic and stressful times it’s so good to know that there is a company to guide you through the process. Thank you so much. Su North-Bond

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I arrange a funeral?

  • Most aspects of the funeral can be tailored.
  • You don't have to have a minister present.
  • There are some legal and administrative tasks.

How do I find the right funeral director?

  • Do some initial research.
  • Think about the sort of funeral you are looking for.
  • Choose a NAFD member for a high quality service.
  • Speak to a few funeral directors, either on the phone or face to face.
  • Choose the ones you feel comfortable with.
  • Ask them to explain their services and give you a breakdown of costs.

Compassionate Funeral Planning Tailored for You

Our attended funeral service is available from:


Please speak to us to find out more about our services and pricing. We're always here for you.

Arrange An Appointment
