Owned by: R H Faulkner & Daughter
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Anne Richardson
There are no adequate words to thank Paula and her staff their compassion and care when looking after my son. There was no other funeral directors that I would have entrusted him too. They cared for all the family with love whilst providing an amazing and very professional service. They go the extra mile and amaze you with so many thoughtful and caring extra’s. I would never consider entrusting a loved one to any other company.
Heidi Haxeltine
Paula was just the best support and guide through what needed doing from the moment I called directly after Dad's passing til after the paperwork, then cremation, then memorial was completed. Paula made it all feel tailored to Dad and our families wants and needs. Incredibly prompt responses to any queries and always imaginative with how things could be done as we wanted. The very best comfort through difficult times. We wouldn't hesitate to recommend RH Faulkner & Daughter.
How do I arrange a funeral?
How do I find the right funeral director?
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Please speak to us to find out more about our services and pricing. We're always here for you.
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