Owned by: Rosedale Funeral Home
Rosedale House, 63 Victoria Road, DISS, NORFOLK, IP224JE
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Kirsty Graham
We would like to acknowledge the two undertakers who came to collect one of our residents at Ashmore Nursing Home. We had cared for this lady for over 19 years and the two gentlemen treated her with so much care and respect, even walking infront of the van whilst driving off. Circumstances like this can be hard, but with the professionalism the two gentlemen gave made it a little easier.Impeccable care and dignified.Belinda Grimwood and Kirsty GrahamAshmore Nursing Home
Adrian Kinsley
I’d like to send a big thank to you all for caring for my mum and helping with my mums funeral today 19/12/2023.You’ve been very courteous to all our family throughout.Although the weather was terrible today, your undertakers battled the rain and wet conditions to give my mum a wonderful send off. At no time did they look bothered by the terrible weather and they remained professional at all times.The car was spotless and undertakers looked very smart at all times!I highly recommend Rosedales and send a massive thank you to you and the team.
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