Owned by: Welham Jones Limited
43 Western Road, Borough Green, SEVENOAKS, KENT, TN158AN
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Melanie Divall
Picture the person you love most in the world taking their final journey and having someone to hold your hand to guide you all the way in helping them do this. This is what Murielle at Borough Green did for us for our lovely mum Irene.Right from the first phonecall we were treated with sympathy, respect and care. So professional, friendly and happy to go the extra mile. I am so happy we chose Welham Jones family undertakers.The funeral service was joyful and sincere, we wore bright colours as it was a celebration of our mum's life. We were not rushed and there was someone there at all times to guide and help us.We felt safe and secure that we were being looked after all the way through the entire process.Thank you so much from all the family
How do I arrange a funeral?
How do I find the right funeral director?
Our attended funeral service is available from:
Please speak to us to find out more about our services and pricing. We're always here for you.
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